NHL player Nikita Zadorov was born on 04-15-95 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 19 years old.
Nikita Vora's birth name is Nikita Purcell.
Nikita Podgorny's birth name is Podgornyj, Nikita Vladimirovich.
Nikita Bogoslovsky's birth name is Bogoslovsky, Nikita Vladimirovich.
Nikita Khubov's birth name is Khubov, Nikita Georgiyevich.
Nikita Khromov died in 1934.
NHL player Nikita Zadorov is 6'-04''.
Nikita Zadorov plays defense for the Buffalo Sabres.
Nikita Zadorov is number 61 on the Buffalo Sabres.
Nikita Zadorov was born in Moscow, Russia on 04-15-95.
NHL player Nikita Zadorov shoots left.
NHL player Nikita Zadorov weighs 200 pounds.
Nikita Rukavytsya is 24 years old (birthdate: June 22, 1987).
Nikita Ramsey is 29 years old (birthdate February 10, 1988).Nikita Ramsey is the twin sister of actress Jade Ramsey.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Nikita Whitlock is 23 years old.
Nikita Ivanovich Panin was born on September 18, 1718 and died on March 31, 1783. Nikita Ivanovich Panin would have been 64 years old at the time of death or 296 years old today.
Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev was born on April 15, 1894 and died on September 11, 1971. Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev would have been 77 years old at the time of death or 121 years old today.
NHL player Nikita Nikitin was born on 06-16-86 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 28 years old.