US weightlifter and wrestler Mark Henry is 46 years old (birthdate: June 12, 1971).
no mark Henry does not do old school
Henry Mark Anthony was born in 1817.
Mark Henry (The Strongest Man Alive) Was Born June.12.1971 Did I answer your question email me at bestiesforlife25@yahoo.ccom From:Me To:You
Mark Henry is 6'4".
no mark Henry does not do old school
Mark Henry is 39 years old. He was born on June 12, 1971.
Mark Jerrold Henry!
mark Henry came from Texas
mark henry
Mark Henry
His real name is Mark Jerrold Henry.
Mark Henry is a professional wrestler who joined the WWE in 1996. He was 24 years old when he signed a 10 year contract with the World Wrestling Federation.
Mark Henry's real name is Mark Jerrold Henry.
what records did mark henry hold
Mark Henry, the American powerlifter, is not dead.