As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Jumal Rolle is 24 years old.
Antrel Rolle is 28 years old (birthdate: December 16, 1982).
Hermann Rolle was born in 1864.
i don't know wen she passed away but what i do know is dat she passed away because of diabete complications
Esther Rolle was born on November 8, 1920.
Antrel Rolle was born on December 16, 1982.
NFL player Jumal Rolle is 6'-01''.
Jumal Rolle plays Cornerback for the Green Bay Packers.
Jumal Rolle plays for the Green Bay Packers.
NFL player Jumal Rolle played for Catawba.
Jumal Rolle is number 20 on the Green Bay Packers.
NFL player Jumal Rolle weighs 188 pounds.
Antrel Rolle is 28 years old (birthdate: December 16, 1982).
Michel Rolle was born on April 21, 1652 and died on November 8, 1719. Michel Rolle would have been 67 years old at the time of death or 363 years old today.
Michel Rolle died on November 8, 1719 at the age of 67.
The Korean word "jumal" translates to "weekend" in English.
Rolle's population is 4,901.
Antrel Rolle's birth name is Antrel Rocelious Rolle.