MLB player and manager Joe Torre is 77 years old (birthdate: July 18, 1940).
NHL player Dan Girardi was born on 04-29-84 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 30 years old.
Ulrico Girardi died in 1986.
Amedeo Girardi's birth name is Amedeo Girard.
Dan Girardi was born in Welland, Ontario on 04-29-84.
Nicolae Girardi was born on December 10, 1931, in Manastire, Ilfov, Romania.
Joe Girardi's birth name is Joseph Elliott Girardi.
Joe Girardi was born on October 14, 1964.
Joe Girardi was born on October 14, 1964.
No. The contract negotiations are ready to begin between Joe Girardi and the Yankees.
Joe Girardi became the Yankees manager in 2008.
Joe Girardi was born October 14, 1964, in Peoria, IL, USA.
Yankeeography - 2002 Joe Girardi was released on: USA: 8 June 2011
Joe Girardi won his first World Series title in 2009.
Joe Girardi has been the manager of the Yankees since the start of the 2008 season.
Joe Girardi is the manager.
Joe Girardi made one all star team, that being in 2000 as a member of the Chicago Cubs.