Gerard Way is older than Mikey way. Mikey is 28 years old, and Gerard is 31 years old.
Gerard McLarnon was born on April 16, 1915 and died on August 16, 1997. Gerard McLarnon would have been 82 years old at the time of death or 100 years old today.
Gerard John Schaefer was born on March 25, 1946 and died on December 3, 1995. Gerard John Schaefer would have been 49 years old at the time of death or 69 years old today.
Saint Gerard Majella was born on April 23, 1725 and died on October 16, 1755. Saint Gerard Majella would have been 30 years old at the time of death or 290 years old today.
Gerard K. O'Neill was born on February 6, 1927 and died on April 27, 1992. Gerard K. O'Neill would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 88 years old today.
Gerard Henderson is 67 years old (birthdate: September 10, 1945).
Danny Gerard is 34 years old (birthdate: May 29, 1977).
Gerard Malanga is 68 years old (birthdate: March 20, 1943).
Gerard Houllier is 63 years old. He was born on September 3, 1947.
Gerard Autet is 33 years old (birthdate: September 8, 1978).
Gerard Warren is 33 years old (birthdate: July 25, 1978).
Gerard Lawson is 26 years old (birthdate: January 12, 1985).
Gerard Way is older than Mikey way. Mikey is 28 years old, and Gerard is 31 years old.
The Norse equivalent of Gerard is Gérarr. It is a Scandinavian variation of the name Gerard.
US conductor Gerard Schwarz is 69 years old (birthdate: August 19, 1947).
Steeve Gerard Fankà is 23 years old (birthdate: February 28, 1988).
Gerard Way is 40 years old (birthdate: April 9, 1977).