As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Dom DeCicco is 25 years old.
Marie DeCicco was born on October 5, 1939, in Brooklyn, New York, USA.
Dom DeLuise died on May 4, 2009 at the age of 75.
He died from a lfe-long battle with cancer.
He is 15 his bdays in 1997 He likes brunettes And his favorite color is burgundy
Dom Portalla is 6'.
Dom DeCicco was born on 1988-09-11.
NFL player Dom DeCicco is 6'-04''.
Dom DeCicco plays for the Minnesota Vikings.
Dom DeCicco plays Line Back for the Minnesota Vikings.
NFL player Dom DeCicco played for Pittsburgh.
NFL player Dom DeCicco weighs 230 pounds.
Frank DeCicco died in 1986.
George DeCicco was born in 1929.
Isabella DeCicco is 5' 2".
Isabella DeCicco goes by Bella.
Anne Marie DeCicco-Best was born in 1964-04.
Marie DeCicco was born on October 5, 1939, in Brooklyn, New York, USA.