NFL running back Darren Sproles is 34 years old (birthdate: June 20, 1983).
Darren Sproles's birth name is Darren Lee Sproles.
Darren Sproles ran the 40 yard dash in 4.48 seconds at the NFL Combine.
Darren Shan is 45 years old (birthdate: July 2, 1972).
Darren Sharper is 42 years old (birthdate: November 3, 1975).
Darren Sammy is 27 years old (birthdate: December 20, 1983).
Darren Sproles's birth name is Darren Lee Sproles.
Darren Sproles
Darren Sproles was born on June 20, 1983.
Darren Sproles was born on June 20, 1983.
Darren Sproles attended Kansas State University from 2004 -2004.
No, Darren's brother Terence does not play football.
The answer you are looking for is Darren Sproles At 5'6"
NFL player Darren Sproles weighs 190 pounds.
Darren Sproles
yes.........i Pretty Sure
Darren Sproles is a player in the National Football League. As of June 2014 he is a running back with the Eagles, but his shoe size is not listed.
Ladanian Tomlinson and Darren Sproles