18 December 16, 1992
Con Safos was created in 1974.
Con Collins died in 1937.
Con Clifford died in 1961.
Con Passionate was created in 2005.
Con Blatsis was born on July 6, 1977.
Con Blatsis was born on July 6, 1977.
Pedro Ferriz de Con is 60 years old (birthdate: December 12, 1950).
Out with the old and in with the new = Fuera con el viejo y en con el nuevo
old systems
Minimum age is 14.
dat big old con did
dat big old con did
con flict between new and old generation
the oldest one was 19.5 years old!!
18 December 16, 1992
Quiero crezcer viejo con usted.