Former NFL linebacker Brandon C. Jacobs is 35 years old (birthdate: July 6, 1982).
he lives in Wayne, NJ. I live there too. sry don't know the address
Marc Jacobs is 54 years old (birthdate: April 9, 1963).
Brandon Boyd is 41 years old (birthdate: February 15, 1976).
As of the 2014 MLB season, Brandon Guyer is 28 years old.
As of the 2014 MLB season, Brandon Beachy is 27 years old.
He is two and a half years old.
Brandon Jacobs is listed at 256 lbs.
Brandon Jacobs was born on July 6, 1982.
Brandon Jacobs was born on July 6, 1982.
Brandon Jacobs plays for the New York Giants.
Brandon Jacobs rns like a yound jerome bettis
Brandon Jacobs was the 4th round pick of the Giants in 2005.
NFL player Brandon Jacobs played for Southern Illinois.
NFL player Brandon Jacobs weighs 264 pounds.
Brandon Jacobs is number 34 on the New York Giants.