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i play it. its fun.

keeps the awesome time going.

SOFTBALL teaches lessons for life...and the game.

i love every minute i am on the field.

on a team theres 9 positions to be filled

but normally a coach has

14 players...back ups you kno

in case of an injury.

sub players..and one to be

the DH

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Q: How many girls play fastpitch softball in the US?
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Related questions

How many people can play softball at one time?

9 on the field in fastpitch and 10 in slowpitch

How many playeers play at once in fastpitch softball?

In the field there are nine and batting only one at the plate

Seventy girls play soccer in the fall and sixty girls play softball in spring Forty-five girls play both how many girls play soccer softball or both?

130 girls play softball, soccer, or both

Why is softball for girls Is softball for grls only?

softball is not just for girls just as baseball is not just for boys. there are coed leagues that guys participate in for softball KY MUSTANGS FASTPITCH SOFTBALL#9 TRINITY HIGH SCHOOL LADY RAIDERS SOFTBALL#00

Does everyone have to pitch in fastpitch softball?

Definitely not! You can play any position you want if you are "qualified" for that position and your coach approves

Who uses a softball?

girls or men who play softball

Who is the best 10 and under softball team in the world?

Robison Slow and Fastpitch. Especially Maddy, Kenzie, Hannah, And Melina. They all play Robinson Slow and Fastpitch! GO ROBINSON!

Do girls play softball in Spain?

yes girls do play softball in spain- if you don't beleive me, go to Spain!

Is it bad to fast while playing softball?

yes, fasting while you play softball is really not a good idea. But i guess it depends on what level youre on. if you play fastpitch, you need to eat otherwise you will faint.

Why do only girls play softball?

Not many boys play softball but it is not illegal. im 11 and i almost pitch bbetter softball than baseball. ( i play baseball). so if i could find a league that guys play softball, i would go there definitly. the reason most girls play softball because back ago, girls were not allowed to play baseball so they created softball. it was just a sexus thing to do.

Why was softball made?

because softball is awesome and girls deserve to play too!

What sport can ONLY girls play?
