Griffey has three children: two biological children, a son, George Kenneth III, and a daughter, Taryn Kennedy, and one adopted son, Tevin Kendall.
Ken Griffey Sr. is 61 years old (birthdate: April 10, 1950).
Ken Griffey Jr, Tiger Woods ( previous resident), Paula, Creamer and Vince Carter, to name a few.
Ken Mitchroney's birth name is Joseph Kenneth Mitchroney Jr..
Harvey watkins jr Has 3 Sisters No Brothers
Only one son, also named Paul.
Ken Griffey Jr. has 1,762 career strikeouts in 9,703 at bats.
Ken Griffey Jr
No ken Griffey Jr did not died yet. On 2010 he get retired
Of Course Ken Griffey Jr
Ken Griffey Jr, had 611 career home runs as of March 2009.
Ken Griffey Jr, has 4 titles, 1994, 97, 98, & 99.
No. Ken Griffey Jr. and Barry Bonds are not related.
Ken Griffey Jr. had a .214 batting average in 2009
Ken Griffey Jr. has been referred to as "Junior" or the nickname "Kid"
Ken Griffey Jr. was born on November 21, 1969.
Ken Griffey Jr. married Melissa Gay on Saturday, October 24, 1992.