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According to an interview, he did once have a girlfriend when he was 13, but the relationship didn't last long.

At one point, Tom was not yet interested in having a relationship as he is concentrating on his career. He did not want any emotional problems causing him to fail. However, in December 2013, he released that he is in a relationship with another man, and is quite happy. Several groups are applauding Tom on his statement, as it is considered a brave thing to go public with.

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10y ago

I can't imagine that he does considering he's 20, and I don't believe information has been released that he does; no one else would know besides him I suppose. And even if he does, I do not believe he would go around dating a person at that age, it would be considered inappropriate.

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13y ago

Tom is usually too busy with his diving practise schedule to have a girlfriend. It would be a distraction to him. He has many friends that are girls though !

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