Yes Giovanni Dos Santos does have a brother a younger brother his name is Johnathon Dos Santos
Ary dos Santos died in 1984.
Waldar dos Santos died in 2006.
Sueli dos Santos was born in 1965.
Birgite dos Santos was born in 1989.
Marc Dos Santos was born on 1977-05-30.
He has 9 children with differente women he slept with them
Agostinho dos Santos's birth name is Augustinho dos Santos.
Manuel Dos Santos's birth name is Santos Pires, Manuel dos.
Daiane dos Santos's birth name is Daiane Garcia dos Santos.
Giovani Dos Santos's birth name is Giovani dos Santos Ramrez.
Joshua Dos Santos's birth name is Joshua Vieira dos Santos.
The name of President Dos Santos' ex-wife, who is Russian and the mother of Isabel dos Santos, is Tatiana Kukanova dos Santos.
Yes, Giovanni dos Santos has two brothers Jonathan and Eder dos Santos.
Yes Giovanni Dos Santos does have a brother a younger brother his name is Johnathon Dos Santos
Luís Alberto Santos dos Santos was born on 1983-11-17.
Ary dos Santos died in 1984.