JJ Watt does not have a girlfriend. He thinks it is most important to spend his time building a football career. He says he does not have time for a social life.
Justin "JJ" Watt is 28 years old (birthdate March 22, 1989).
Lil' JJ practices Christianity.
JJ 'Ginger' O'Connell was born in 1887.
JJ Fernandez was born on March 2, 1976.
JJ Brown died after suffering from a number of heart attacks.
NO@@!! JJ isn't dating her!
Justin "JJ" Watt is 28 years old (birthdate March 22, 1989).
JJ Reddick does not have a girlfriend because he is married. JJ Reddick is married to Chelsea Reddick. He is a professional basketball player.
JJ Watt
no because he has me
no he gay
No, he is single.
i don't think so
It must be me since he is my boyfriend.
According to a video on his official website, no.
Yes, he came as being openly gay on July 15th 2015.
lol I think he has a girlfriend.