are you talking about clothes or humans. if your talking about humans then that's not my chose to choose who i like and who i don't that's judgemental. i am black and i like clothes that are nice looking for me.
My friend said that Pokemon black is good for girls and white is good for boys. It all depends on which kind of Pokemon you like.
They are both awesome, but my opinion is that black version is better
Pokemon black is better than white because it sold more.Basically you have to choose. Pokemon White offers more Pokemon, but Pokemon black offers cooler battles with higher leveled Pokemon, such as lv.65 Magmortars. I'd personally choose black because all the exclusive Pokemon in white is in my other heartgold game. So I can basically transfer them to Black and still do cool battles! And that's all I know. [Pokemon black has a cool, city like feature too, which probably beat White's forest].
monokuro boo
Um... wow! My name is Tessa. I personally like black better. It's dark and mysterious and you don't know what's lurking in it's shadows. Yet, you always feel safe because black is just another colour. ADVERTISEMENT: Join today! Love, teppie2 (add me on meez!)
White lambs give you white wool, while, black sheep produce black wool. So just depends whether or not you like white better than black; or black better than white. Other than that there is no other differences between the two sheep.
It depends which color you like. But Black iPhone is good as White one can get dirty soon.
I'm not saying this just because I'm black but I don't think any white are better than black people or black people are better than white people. I really never understood why white people didn't like black people just because they are different colors.
It is personal preference. I like white because I recognize colors better.... And I think white is more pure than the black plastic.... High quality rubik's plastic or ABS are more of whitish color....
Yes, but there will be better graphics if you play Black and White on the newer DS systems, like the 3DS.
white is better but it is you opinion
black wiis have bad graphics cause me and my best friend can see better siting on the floor and i have a white wii and its way better than black wiis and my best friend has a black wii and white looks better than black cause you can see dust on black wiis so throw away a black wii or trade it in for a white wii
My friend said that Pokemon black is good for girls and white is good for boys. It all depends on which kind of Pokemon you like.
which is a better reflector of light-a black surface or a white surface
The Pokemon are better in black and white. I prefer white than black though... I agree. Cuz white has Zekrom which looks cooler than reshiram
black colour is better in white activa .
black and black matches perfectly