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Q: Why did Walter deserve to be entrusted with the ensurance money?
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entrusted. The money was entrusted in his hands. entrusted. The money was entrusted in his hands.

Do you agree or disagree that celebrities make more money than they deserve?

i agree celebrities make more money then they deserve. Firefighter and police deserve to get more money then celebrities because they save lives and put criminals in jail.

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Willy Harris steals Walter Younger's money.

Who tells Walter that the money for the liquor store is gone?

Bobo tells Walter that the money for the liquor store is gone.

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They have families to support. And they deserve to have spending money in off duty times.

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you mean zabat khan yes he does and he does not deserve the money. cheater.

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More than they deserve.

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The company carries bowflex services since 1999 so for my opinion seems very reliable but it depends on the individual and their money in that company entrusted their money.

What do Ruth and Walter do?

Ruth and Walter did grow apart mainly because Walter hatched schemes to make money to benefit his family.

What news did bobo bring to Walter?

Bobo told Walter that somebody ran away with their money.