In most Fantasy Football leagues the players from a Monday Night Football league will unlock the very next day. If they don't then report the problem to the site administrator so that it can be fixed.
To unlock the fantasy pets you need codes. There are 4 codes because you can unlock 4 fantasy pets. i only know 3CODES:1i95fksdn2023fgjdc3d9324jdp
First finish story with ginga and u can unlock 2 more players and play with 2 unlocked players then u can unlock all players by above process
There are three codes because you can unlock three fantasy pets.CODES:1i95fksdn2023fgjdc3d9324jdp
To unlock secret players on Nbk 2k9 simply enter in the code "2ksports". To unlock the China team type in: "2kchina".
in squad, above the players to the right it shows all the different training options. Hover over titanium and it will say how many rep pts are left for you to be able to unlock it. It costs 800 rp for titanium, 1000 rp for black and 1200 for wild.
You collect a certain amount of coins, you unlock players.
Reno is not a playable character.
In order to unlock Hall of Fame teams (like the Glaciers and the Dummies) you must complete the Fantasy Challenge. To unlock these teams to play as them, you must beat them in the Supreme League mode; otherwise, you will only get to play them, not be them
download from online and you can unlock lots of new players
you bash it with a hammer