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It became legal when Mobile Greyhound Park opened in 1973.

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Q: When did Dog Racing become legal in Alabama?
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Is dog racing legal in Colorado?

Dog racing is not legal in South Carolina.

What states have live dog racing?

Currently (a/o August 2010) there are only seven (7) states that have live dog racing. They are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Texas, and West Virginia. To find out more about greyhound advocacy and what you can do to end dog racing,

Why is greyhound betting legal in Alabama if gambling is illegal?

Gambling is not illegal in Alabama. The legal gambling age in Alabama casinos is 18. The Minimum age for all dog tracks not in Greene & Mobile counties is 18 years old, while the minimum age for dog track in Greene & Mobile counties is 19 years old. 19 years old is the age limit for bingo unless accompanied by parent or guardian. If a bingo gambler is with a parent or legal guardian, there is no legal age limit on bingo gambling in Alabama. That is all...

What is Dog Racing?

Surprisingly, it is racing with dogs

What kind of dog do you need for dog racing?


What sport is similar to Horse Racing?

Greyhound racing is similar to horse racing as it involves animals racing around a track. Both sports involve betting and require strategy and skill from the participants.

Breed of dogs used for racing?

Grey Hounds are used for dog racing.

What is Alabama's state dog?

There is a long listing of Alabama's Official Symbols but they have not yet named a dog,

Who is the father of Iditarod and why?

he discovered dog racing

Where do you get a dog racing start box?

you get it from florida

What is the most popular dog for racing?


Which dog runs faster?

All dogs can run fast but the Greyhound is probably the fastest, which is why there are greyhound dog-racing tracks similar to horse-racing tracks.