I highly recommend you to go with freedragoncityhack.com from here you will have all dragon games with its hack tool.
Once u have downloaded them just go to the game and it should be in ts slot or completely new
Nothing, as a 3DS game will not fit into a Ds slot. FOr downloaded games you will not see it
u must play long run if u play long run the slot 5 dragons will play slot dont pay good because u use not good colour when u have free game verry impotan u use draon colour white red back blue or yellow
Slot 1 on a DS is the slot that you put DS game cards into. Slot 2 is the slot for Game boy advance game paks.
One can purchase a Ho Slot Car from a variety of different places. This includes a slot car specialist, a large toy store, or site such as Amazon, eBay or the Ho Slot Car site itself.
There are many benefits of slot games which are often inviting new players to join the game. Here is: •The major benefits of the slot games are that the complete format and slot of the game can be understood once the player joins the game. •The slot online uangasli games are easily available on any of the gaming websites and with the few easy steps of the registration; the player gets entered into a slot game.
No, the game boy slot was removed in favor of an SD card slot.
Yes, it has no UMD slot, all the games are downloaded from the PSN.
You need to have your friends from mineral town in the bottom slot and your chosen game in the top slot. Load and save in the game in the top slot. Turn off your ds and take out bottom slot game. then< turn on ds and play, they will be there.
you've probz already tried this, but sometime just blowing into the games slot helps
There's a slot on the top of the DS, this is slot-1, and it's where DS game cartridges go.
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