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Q: What percentage of highschool students smoked cigareetes in 2001?
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What percentage of people smoked that died?

In the United States, it is estimated that about 20% of deaths are attributable to smoking. This means that approximately 1 in 5 deaths can be linked to smoking-related causes such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illnesses.

What percentage of Americans smoked in the 1940's?

I have calculated around 56.76% of Americans smoking in 1940.

What is the percentage of people that smoked before the no smoking in public places law was enforced?

34% and since the law it is now 23%

What percentage of the adults who smoked in 1970 have quit?

According to data from the CDC, approximately 69% of adults who smoked in 1970 have quit smoking. This means that around 31% of adults who were smokers in 1970 are still smoking.

What percentage of Americans smoked in the 1950?

In the 1950s, approximately 42% of Americans were smokers. This was the highest recorded smoking prevalence in the United States.

Is all salmon smoked?

Not all salmon is smoked. Some are not smoked.

Does smoked salmon have nitrates?

Processed and smoked fish such as smoked salmon and smoked tuna sometimes contain amounts of sodium nitrite.

Is bacon smoked?

Fresh bacon is NOT smoked, but to eat bacon you can smoked, boiled, fried, baked, or grilled.

Approximately what percent of high school students smoked cigarette in 2001?

twenty five percent

What can one cook with smoked paprika?

One can cook many things with smoked paprika. The most popular items to cook using smoked paprika are pumpkin soup with smoked paprika and smoked paprika roasted chicken.

Do you put mayonnaise in smoked salmon pasta?

No, smoked salmon pasta is basicly pasta, smoked salmon and cream.

What is the present perfect tense of smoke?

I/We/You/They have smokedHe/She/It has smoked