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Treble 20=60 Treble 17=51 double 8=16


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Q: What is your score with 3 dart if you hit treble 20 treble 17 double 8?
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How do you score 141 points in darts?

Throw the dart in the 8 If you want to finish you have to hit the double 4

What is the lowest score that cannot be obtained with one dart?

The lowest number that cannot be hit with one dart is 23.

Can you finish in three darts if you need to score 61?

sure... Some people like single-bull, double-18. I prefer triple-7, tops (double-20). If you hit a single-7 with the 1st dart, that leaves single-14, tops.

How do you get 124 in darts?

Double 2 Treble 20 Treble 20 If your trying to take out 124, I suggest T-20 T-14 D-11. That way if you miss the T-14 and hit a single, you still have a shot at the double-bull.

What is a perfect game of darts?

A perfect game of 501 darts is typically called a "9 darter" There are several way to hit a 9 darter in 501. The most typical or traditional way to hit a "nine darter": Triple 20 (60), Triple 19 (57) and Double 12 (24) Triple 20 (60), Triple 15 (45) and Double 18 (36) Triple 17 (51), Triple 18 (54) and Double 18 (36) Another way is to score 167 with each set of three darts, scoring a perfect 501 total: treble 20 (60), treble 19 (57) and bullseye (50)

How do you beat a a double bullseye in darts?

a bull is scored at 50 for a one dart hit. a double can only be scored by 2 darts. therefore if your good you can hit a 3 dart bull = 150 or using 2 - triple 20's, or 1 triple 20 ans a double 20 and a single 1 will beat the bull score. There are four targets on the board that are each worth more than 50 points: T-17 (51), T-18 (54), T-19 (57), and T-20 (60).

How many times must manuel hit the center circle with his dart to score 1000000 points?

well Bullseye is worth 50 points so 50/1000000=20.000 So he must hit 20,000 times.

What is a sentence for dart?

This morning my brother was throwing the dart all over the house and almost hit me with it

Where is the man to play darts with in poptropica?

In the pub at Loch Ness, you play darts to win tickets. You will click on your dart, and move it over to the board. Then click the mouse and DON'T LET GO until you are ready to throw. After your aim point (X) is set, pull the dart back -- slide your mouse backward -- then let go. The farther you "pull back" (move lower), the higher the dart will go. By varying your distance from the aim point (X), you can get the dart to land higher or lower on the board. If you don't pull back at all, it will fall to the floor. If you pull too far, the dart will hit above the board. Generally, a lowering of about 1/2 the width of the dart board from the X will send the dart to the X point.

What are the rules and regulations for darts?

501 Choice of single / double bull's-eye, normal / double the normal / double / triple out. A bureau twenty round, each player starting as 501 points, the players score points with throwing diminishes, first down to 0 wins points after ten rounds as no player will throw complete integration reduced to zero, the lowest points win. If a player hit a dart after the integrator end of the game can not be reduced to a fraction (normally an integral <0; double the points ≤1; ≤2 or triple the points in the double / triple the conditions for investment in Central Africa double area / triple zone integrator reduced to 0), called "BUST", after a burst dart, cancel the round score, while the end of the current round of throwing darts players next turn.

All the possible ways to finish on 124 in darts?

T20-T14-D11 T20-S14-Dbull S20-T18-Dbull T17-T19-D8 S17-T19-Dbull T20-T16-D8 This is far from all of them, but it is strongly suggested that you throw a trip-20 (or treble-20 as they say in English English) so if you miss and hit a single you still have a two-dart out left (104). Likewise, you throw trip-14 on the second dart instead of trip-16 so that if you hit a single, you still have a shot at taking out 50 with the last dart.

What is the highest finish in darts?

While the highest hit with 1 dart is 60 (treble 20) you can reach 180 points. On a quadro board (practiceboard with a quadrowheel) you can reach 240 points. The highest finish in a doubleout game ist 170 (T20, T20, bullseye)