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The bootleg is when the quarterback rolls out to the side and either throws it while running or keeps running upfield.

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Q: What is the boot leg play in football?
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What is leg whipping?

Leg whipping is an illegal play in football. A player swings his leg horizontally and attempts to make contact with an opposing players leg.

What is something a football player needs to play football?

arm strength and some leg strength and pads

Can you play football without a toenail?

Yes, of course.Some people play football without a leg!If missing a toe nail bothers you, all you need do is place tape over it, or learn to kick with the other leg.

Make a sentence using the word boot?

the BOOT on my left leg fit,but the BOOT on my right did not.

What is the best football boot ever?

I believe nike boots are the best football boot ever.

What was leg bruising with an iron tipped boot called?

Leg bruising

Where can one buy maternity pants with boot leg cut?

Maternity pants with a boot leg cut can be found at retailers such as Old Navy, Target, and JC Penny. Maternity pants with a boot leg cut can also be found online at companies such as Motherhood.

How do you say he likes to play football in french?

He likes to play football. -- Il aime jouer au foot. -- "eel em zhway oh foot" (where "foot" rhymes with "boot")

What does Football Boot mean in French?

Chaussure de football.

How do you write an essay about autobiography of a football boot?

football boots

Which DVD players will play a boot leg DVD?

PS3 PS2 XBOX360 and any Sony blue ray player or sony DVD player