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Q: What is shelly's opinion of jasper jr from the novel flush?
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What is Jasper's phone number?

As in Jasper Hale from the novel Twilight? It's a novel so the phone is just a prop.

What genre is Flush?

The genre of the book "Flush" is realistic fiction.

Opinion about James and giant peach novel?

It is a delightful children's novel, full of adventure

How did Noah Underwood's parents meet in flush the novel?

they both got to pay a ticket for speeding

Why did jasper chase fom the novel in his steps abandon his pledge?

Because he desired money and fame more than God

What was the most interesting novel in your opinion?

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What is the best novel in English?

That would be a matter of opinion and personal taste.

What are some personification in the novel flush?

In the novel "Flush" by Carl Hiaasen, some examples of personification include when nature is described as having emotions or intentions, like when the sea is described as being angry or the sun as smiling down on the characters. Another example is when the boat is described as whispering secrets to the main character.

Is 'Fountain Head' the best novel in the world?

It's all a matter of opinion.

Who are Th-om and and Ra-do in flush the novel?

In the novel "Flush" by Carl Hiaasen, Th-om and Rado are environmental activists who are trying to stop the illegal dumping of sewage into the ocean by a casino boat. They are part of the group that helps the main characters, Noah and Abbey, in their quest to expose the wrongdoing of the casino boat owner.

What is the best Sherlock Holmes novel?

This is a question that's answer will be purely based on opinion, however i do feel that Hound of the Baskervilles is the best novel. Although each novel and short story are fantastic.

In the novel twilight Jasper is the newest member of the Cullen family and their last to adopt their vegetarian state is this true or false?

True. Alice finds him and takes him to the Cullen family. Before Alice he didn't even know a "vegetarian" life was possible. So Jasper can thank everything to Alice.