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Money, with money you can BUY position!

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Q: What is more important money or position?
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What is more important friends or money?

The answer is different to many. Some think friends are more important, others think money is more important. It all depends on you!

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Which is more important out of money and work?

both must equally important because we will not get anywhere money if we will not do anything. and we will not love to work if we will not get money so at the job both are equally important..

Why is the government spending so much money on war when there is problems with global warming?

There is no real objective answer to this question. Just peoples views. Some believe the war is more important, some don't. If you believe you know which is more important, run for a government position that will enable you to change what is going on.

Why money is more imp than love?

it's not. money is more important than everything. it can buy you bacon

Is money more important than a relationship?


How much money does a professional football player make a year?

it depends on how good they are and what position they play and how important they are to the team

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God means everythig include money.

Are suppliers more important than buyers?

no buyers very important they have the money and customers

What is more important people or money?

It depends. If you are a materialistic person itwould be money. If you were more caring and compassionate it would be people.

What did Jesus teach about money?

Jesus said that money is not the amount you give but the thought is more important.