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its when the ball pops out of a players hand actually.

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Q: What do you call an illegal intentional fumble in football?
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Why do you call football football?

You call it football because you play with ball and kick the ball

Why is bull ring illegal in football?

when you call out a number the player doesnt know where the other player is coming from and can get hit in the back get hurt that is what i think but im not sure

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What does football mean to most people?

Which Version? The US call American football-football and association football-soccer.In the UK we call association football-football,Rugby football-Rugby and American football a girl's game because of all the padding they wear!

What is football called in America?

"American football" is what football is called in England. This is because the names "associated football" and "football" are already used for soccer.

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no call of duty black ops is most certainly not illegal

Why did they dall soccer football in Germany?

They don't call it football they call it fussball. This means football in English. They call it football like most European countries because they aren't idiots like the americans.

What does FIFA represent?

Federation International of Football Association .They call it Football because the original soccer is Football. But in America they call it soccer but its really called Football.

What do they call soccer in Iceland?

They call it football.