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Each player gets 5 cards a piece. Then the first player ask any other player for a card that matches the ones in there hand .If the other players have that card they must give it to the person how ask for it,if the player does not have that card then the person must go fish and draw a card from the deck.If the person gets the card that they were asking for from the deck then that person gets to go again.This process is repeated by everyone playing the game.When you get 4 of a kind then that suit is dead and are to be put them down and filled them over.The person with the most cards at the end of the game wins.

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14y ago
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10y ago

Basically it's a game of collecting sets/ runs. The aim of the game is to get rid of all of your cards before the other players. It can be played with 2 or more players (best to have 4). The rules are as followed:

Card Values:

Ace: 15

9 or above: 10

8 or below: 5

Start of game: All players cut the deck of cards with the highest card being the person who will start of that round. All consequent rounds will be be started by the winner of the previous round.

1. Cards are then shuffled and each player is dealt 7 cards (10 if there are only 2 players). remaining cards are then placed face down on the table with the top card turned face up next to the pile.

2. The winner of the deck cut starts by picking up either a face down card or the face up card. If they pick up the face up card they must play it that round, if it's from the face down pile then they can keep the card for use at a later time if they wish.

3. If the play has the ability to make a set or three cards or more (eg. 3 aces, 4 fours etc... or a run of consecutive numbers/ face cards of the same suit.) they then place them down in front of them for all players to see.

4. The player must then discard a card of their choice on the face up pile so that both cards are still visible to all other players.

5. Play then rotates to the next player in a clockwise fashion. They must then pick up from one pile or another following the rule that if you pick up from the face up pile you must play the card you pick up in that turn. (players can pick from any card in the discard/ face up pile, but must take all cards stacked after it. however they only have to play the card they pick up from.) If the player is unable to make a set then they discard a card and play continues to the next player.

6. Once a player has a set of their own down they can play cards in their hand on other players sets but receive only the points for what they add to that set. Too add to another players set you set the card down in front of you and announce to others which set you are adding that card to.

7. Play ends once someone runs out of cards either by completing sets or discarding their last card at the end of their turn. This player then receives 50 bonus points for finishing the round first.

8. The scores of each player is calculated by adding up the total of each card they have down in front of them according to the corresponding point system posted above. If players have cards left in their hand they must minus the total points in their hand (as from the above values) from the points they scored from their hand, going into the negatives if necessary.

9. Scores are then recorded and cards shuffled for re-dealing. Play ends when a player reaches a predetermined point threshold.

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12y ago

u just play it

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