

Best Answer

apple juice, Orange Juice, prun juice, baby food, drinkable yogurt, ice cream, milk, freezees

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Q: What are some that contain alcohol?
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Does bread contain alcohol?

Bread does not contain alcohol unless it has been specifically made with alcohol as an ingredient, such as in some types of sourdough bread.

Is alcohol in a thermometer?

Yes, some thermometers contain non-drinkable alcohol.

Does Aloe Vera Contain Alcohol?

No, pure aloe vera does not contain alcohol. However, some commercially available aloe vera products like gels and lotions may contain alcohol as a preservative or stabilizer.

Alcohol is a dreppresant?

Alcohol is an intoxicant, not a depressant. Some alcoholic beverages contain other substances such as hops, which contain chemicals that are depressants .

Does liquorice contain alcohol?

No it does not contain alcohol

Do lollipops contain alcohol?

Lollipops do not contain alcohol.

Is ther alcohol in honey time cigars?

No, some cigars can be infused with different flavors, but they do not contain alcohol.

Does vermiculite contain alcohol?

vermiculite is a mineral, does not contain alcohol.

What household products contain alcohol?

Household products that contain alcohol include hand sanitizers, disinfectant wipes, rubbing alcohol, and some cleaning products like glass cleaners and surface disinfectants.

What are some options for a relaxing drink that does not contain alcohol?

Some options for a relaxing drink that do not contain alcohol include herbal tea, hot chocolate, fruit smoothies, and sparkling water with fruit slices.

Does ginger ale have alcohol in it?

Some Ginger ales contain vanilla extract. Vanilla extract contains alcohol.

Do burts bees products contain alcohol?

No, most of Burt's Bees products do not contain alcohol. The one product that does contain alcohol is the astringent.