To people of the Jewish faith, certainly.
This is a question of faith and naturally those who have faith in God as described by Jewish teachings will claim Him to be True. Those who do not have faith in this God or have faith in a different god or gods will claim Him to be False. Only you can decide which is true.
No. God is the Jewish God.
The truth about Chriist and God the Father is a matter of faith. If you are a Christian, you will probably believe that both are divine and therefore both the true God.. But if you are Jewish or Muslim, you will believe that Christ is not divine; only God is the true God. Followers of most other faiths do not believe that either Jesus Christ or the God of Christianity is a true God at all - they have their own gods, which to them are the true gods.
Back in bible times, some people did believe he was the son of the one true God, but the Jewish priests thought he was a liar. They thought he was committing blasphemy.
Jewish people only have one God. And the Jewish view is that God is always present everywhere, not just at weddings.
The Jews. (Though strictly speaking, Jews do not believe that God is Jewish or that God has any religion.)
Here is a list of Jewish beliefs, as codified by Maimonides: 1. God exists, and is the Creator 2. God is One and unique 3. God is not physical 4. God is eternal 5. Prayer is to be directed only to God 6. The words of the prophets are true 7. The prophecies of Moses are true; he was the greatest prophet 8. The Torah was given to Moses 9. There will be no other Torah 10. God knows the thoughts and deeds of all 11. God rewards the good and punishes the wicked 12. The Messiah will come 13. The dead will be resurrected. For a listing of the Jewish holy days, see the attached Related Link.
Jewish people serve God. They do this by following the ethics of their religion.
You do realize, that the Jewish God is the same God as the Christians. So the Jewish god is known for the creation of the universe and mankind. He is also known as the father of Jesus Christ. The difference between the Jewish religion and the Christian religion is that the Jews did not belive Christ was the mesiah; they belived that their savior has yet to come. And yes it is true that the Jews are the ones responsible for the death of Christ. Many people dislike the Jews for this history. A lack of forgivness. You see Jesus forgave them, despite the fact he was the one hanging on the cross. "Father forgive them for they know what they do" is all he said.The Jewish belief is actually very peaceful.
Hanukkah is not a religion. It is a Jewish Holiday. Jewish people worship one God.
The Jewish leaders that interpret God's will are called Mashiach.
Long ago, God and the Jewish people entered a covenant together, meaning a mutual agreement. God had sworn to protect the Jewish, as long as they obeyed and respected him.
Shema Yisrael. While the Shema announces Jewish monotheism clearly, nearly every Jewish prayer invokes the one true God, describes Him, and is directed towards Him. Almost every major prayer since the writing down of the Siddurim is still used, so there are no outmoded prayers, so to speak.