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Q: How much money is needed to start a game company?
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Is the belief that one can get rich by inventing games an erroneous one why or why not?

No, because if a company puts a lot of money into a new game that fails to sale the company can and probably will go bankrupt.

When I pay the money for a dlc character for a game from an arabic bank do they transform into an amraican money if the company is amraican?

When you pay money from an Arabic bank to an American company, the money will be converted into the US dollars.

Why do most online games have membership?

So the game company can get money

How do you get a job as a video game designer?

Well, you could go from designing building to designing building trying to work for the higher-ups, or you could make money and slowly but surely start a company. If you want to start a company, I suggest you try makeing an internet flash game to get some rep.

How much money do game developers start with?

10,000-50,000 I believe

In assassins creed 2 does the money you make in one game transfer to a new game you start?

no it doesnt

How much money will be destibute in small Monopoly?

if you mean the game monopoly a good amount of money to start with for a quick game is 500 (5million in electronic banking)

Amount of money each player is given at the start of a monopoly game?


How much money do you start out with on mandarin the board game?

pogi si arwind

What 3 resources are needed to start a volleyball game?

a net a ball and people that wanna play