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Q: How much does sonic make a day?
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Would shadow hug Sonic?

Well yes he would shadow and sonic have strong feelings for one another and since sonic reminds shadow of Maria so much he probably would if sonic was crying or very depressed.shadow likes to hear about what's happened to sonic in a day and try his hardest to make his problems better.

What was the day called when Sonic 2 was released?

"Sonic 2s Day" Interestingly enough, Sonic the Hedgehog 3's day was called "Hedgehog day"

Who let sonic in brawl?

the predictor's to make brawl much cooler:>

Can you make a Sonic robo on Sonic colors?

there are sonic robots but you can't make them

How much miles do you have to run a day to be faster than sonic the hedgehog?

Sonic is a character in a game. It is not real. You cannot be faster than a cartoon character.

Will rouge the bat make her appearance in the new season of sonic boom?

maybe she will one day

How much do carhops make at sonic drive ins?

Car hops in a middle to high volume Sonic can make $8-10 an hour in tips. If they skate and they are cute, there is no limit.

How much do carhops make at sonic drive-ins?

Car hops in a middle to high volume Sonic can make $8-10 an hour in tips. If they skate and they are cute, there is no limit.

In what game did Cream the Rabbit make her first appearance?

Sonic Mega Collection (1 day later, Sonic Advance 2).

Is Sonic open on New Year's Day?

is sonic drive in open new years day

What is a sonic heroes memory editor?

a sonic heroes memory editor is where you can make different teams and size your characters and have more score and much more!!!!!

Is Sonic Drive-In open on new year's day?

is sonic drive in open new years day