Santana Moss is number 89 on the Washington Redskins.
Santana Moss plays for the Washington Redskins.
Santana Moss plays Wide Receiver for the Washington Redskins.
Santana Moss played with the New York Jets from 2001-2004 before joining the Redskins in 2005.
At a guess i would say Santana moss
Santana Moss, or, Santana Terrell Moss plays for the Washington Redskins as a football wide receiver, of the National Football League (Otherwise known as NFL). Moss was originally picked by the New York Jets in 2001 and has been selected as All-Pro once.
Santana Moss played with the New York Jets from 2001-2004 before being traded to the Redskins prior to the 2005 season.
No. Moss has played for the Jets (2001-2004) and Redskins (2005-2010).
Chris Cooley led the Redskins in pass receptions in 2006 with 57. Santana Moss had 55 and Ledell Betts had 53.
Santana Moss's birth name is Santana Terrell Moss.
Chris Cooley, Clinton Portis, Santana Moss, Fred Smoot, Laron Landry