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If it's already pregnant, it can't get any pregnant-er. You have to wait until after delivery, and then some.

It's possible, but considered unhealthy, for a dog to have two litters in one year.

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Depending on the dog, it's usually twice or thrice a year.
You should ONLY breed a female 1-2 times a year, and a male can stud up to three times a week for best results.

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Q: How many times a year can a dog get pregnant?
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How many times will it take a dog to get pregnant?

About three times. Depends on how much fun they have

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well it depends if your dog was having her period and they did it right there should be a chance that the dog is pregnant if she did not have her period she will not get pregnant but if she is having her period she will not have puppies if she does not have her period and has sex she is doing it for fun but do not force it on your dog

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If you're asking how many times a dog can have puppies, i believe its once a year.

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As many times as you take it- I doubt he'll go on his own

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i think 3 times in a yer

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Depends on how "well" the male does "its work" and if the female allows him to.

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Yes, a six year old dog is capable of getting pregnant.

How many times can a dog get pregnant?

No more than once a year. They are pregnant for approximately two months, then they nurse for approximately six weeks. This takes a toll on the dogs body, so she needs time to fully recuperate for her sake, as well as the health of her puppies.

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you shouldn't get a very old dog pregnant it is unhealthy for them

How many times a day should you feed a 8 year old dog?

3 or 2 times a day