haas anyone ever won money from glopbal/
No. At Publishers Clearing House the winning is always free and no purchase or payment is ever necessary to enter, win or collect one of the prizes. A legitimate sweepstakes will NEVER ask you to send money to enter a sweepstakes or claim a prize. It's the law. A note of caution, however, beware of scam contacts! If you are ever contacted by someone either via mail, phone, or email, and are asked to send or wire money back to claim a prize -- STOP -- you are being scammed. You have not heard from the real Publishers Clearing House. For more information check out www.pch.com and click on the Info Center link.
Yes, there are real, actual winners, but not very many. Contrary to the TV commercials that show excited people who just won, the odds of the average person winning are very slim; the reason is the typical sweepstakes receives millions of entries but only gives a very few prizes. Some people send in hundreds of entries, hoping that will improve their odds, but it usually does not.
Yes, individuals in Connecticut have won the Publishers Clearing House contest before. The contest is open nationwide, so winners can be from any state, including Connecticut.
I'm sure i mean i enered one but what ever happens happens
The winner was actually from New Jersey and her name is Doris Gray.She was PCH's First-Ever $5,000.00 A Week For Life Winner!Watch the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol surprise Doris Gray at her school (she's a match teacher) with the "Prize Of A Lifetime" in front of a lunchroom full of cheering students at http:/pchtv.comEnter for your chance to win at http:/PCH.COM !
My friends brother won a trip to nashville to play Rock Band with Lady Antebellum, and also won a free Xbox 360, and rock band game, this was from a CMT contest
The ISBN of Does Anyone Ever Listen? is 978-1853408885.
No. Michael Phelps has not ever reported to anyone nor has anyone ever reported to anyone else that, at one point, he was eaten by a shark.
I believe the complete issues of these magazines are available as a collection of CDs. Contact the publishers for information.
He did not ever kill anyone.
yes they have!!! cuz Moore is bomb and marches really, EXTREMLY awesome!! Moore also plays their songs so perfect. of cource they have won swepstakes. they eve have won sweepstakes on a REALLY hot day(their first competition in 2009) THEY ROCK!!!!