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If you have a pair of aces, that's equal to 11 points each. That's 22 points. 9 add 9 is 18, plus 20 (10 add 10) is 38 points. The player with the 9's and 10's would win the pot. In other words, two pairs beat one pair, no matter the cards involved.

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13y ago

Yes. A pocket pair counts as a pair in Texas Hold'Em Poker.

The winning hand is a combination of 5 cards you can use from the 2 in your hand and 5 on the board.

If you for instance hold 88 and the board shows 26K69 you've got 2 pair, eights and nines, king high.

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12y ago

If you are asking how to count cards in Texas Hold 'Em just like people used to do back in the days of Blackjack where the cards where just shoved into the card tray I must tell you that it is impossible to do so.

The cards in Texas Hold 'Em get shuffled after every hand, ensure the cards are in a completely different position each time a hand is dealt. Other means to prevent cards being in the same position every time the dealer often asks another player to cut the deck before dealing commences.

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Q: Does a pair of pocket aces beat pairs of 10's and 9's in Texas hold 'em?
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Do joker beat aces?

Depends what card game it is.

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Double aces is a pair, it would be beaten by a three of a kind, unless someone else has a pair of aces also, in which case the next highest card in the hand would win. For example: between the hands of A, A, 10, 6, 2 and A, A, 7, 4, 3 the 10 would win. a pair of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,jack,queen, or king would beat a pair of aces.

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Three aces and two eights is a full house. Three Aces and two nines would win. As would three aces and two kickers 10 or higher.

Does 2 aces beat 2 queens and 2 fours?

No not in cards

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Depends on the value of the Ace and 5, Aces are used as the highest or lowest values in different games. if an ace has any positive value however, 2 aces and 2 fives would beat 1 ace and 2 fives.

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Suit (club) does not matter unless you have a total of 5 same suited cards between your hand and the table. If you only have 2 clubs, you do not have a flush. Therefore, a pair of Aces does not beat a flush.

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