"Captain Planet and the Robots of Zarm" is a fictional concept, and it may not work because it doesn't align with the established storylines or themes of the original "Captain Planet" series. Additionally, the inclusion of robots from Zarm does not fit with the environmental message of the show.
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - 1990 In Zarm's Way 5-9 was released on: USA: 4 February 1995
Level Codes: Bonus codes: Flume Random Magma Spewbot Repel Torcher Endangered Ripper Toxin Hazmats Hunter Robojack
the evil hordes of klingons from the planet Vulcan, led by captain Kirk Hammet of the 501st aibourne division
Mars is the red planet. No robots have been seen there. Humans have sent robots there, however, to measure water levels, scan for life, and take pictures.
No... ?
There are currently no man made satellites or robots on the planet Neptune.
Captain Planet.
a space robots investigates the soil on a planet.
have any robots or satellites ever landed on pluto
Captain Planet - video game - happened in 1990.
blue, with a red suit captain planet, he's a hero, he's gonna take polution down to zero