Full house beats a flush.
full house
* Improving to 2 pairs - 5.3/1 * Improving to trips - 7.7/1 * Improving to A Full House - 97/1 * Improving to Quads - 359/1
Two of a kind is beats a full house.
A Flush which consists of 5 cards of the same suit
Four of a kind beats a full house.
Three kings and two nines is a full house, three aces is a three of a kind. A full house always beats a three of a kind.
No. A full house (888KK) always beats three of a kind (KKK).
3 full beats
ya in fact they had a full quad track on there. they were built out of wood.
Four of a kind in poker beats three of a kind. Even four deuces beats three aces.