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Q: Can you get in trouble by lying about getting paid?
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If someone says 'Believe me if you want' I think that they would be lying because it means that they are trying to pull or suck you into getting you into trouble.

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Lying about someone

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Lying about someone.

What to put for pay rate on a job application?

On a job application you would put how much you are getting paid. Lying on this section is not good as they could call your former employer and ask them " How much was Joe paid at Papa Johns?"

What if you win your case but you are having trouble getting paid your win?

You will have to return to court and get a court ordered lien or attachment for the other party's assets.

Should a child plead guilty to shoplifting?

Yes, a child should, and telling the truth gets you in less trouble than lying and then others find out the truth. Lying gets you in bigger trouble.

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The best way to avoid getting a spanking from your mom for getting in trouble at school is not to get into trouble at school.

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When was I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew created?

I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew was created in 1965.

What is the point of lying?

There is no point! It's the wrong thing to do and you'll defiantly feel guilt when you do lie. Lying hrs you into more trouble so just don't do it!

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getting up/ rising

How can you chat online without getting in trouble?

You can get skype and you can chat without getting in trouble or YOU NEED TO GET A FACEBOOK BADLY IF YOU ARE READING THIS=)