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The word gambling has various meanings. In regards to money, gambling is normally generically defined as risking money by betting on the expected outcome of some event, such as the roll of dice, in the hopes of winning more money. A sort of generic definition of gambling is taking a chance on something.

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Yes, making a friendly wager with a friend over the outcome of a sports game is considered gambling, if there is something placed at risk, such as money.

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Some people view betting on horses as bad for several reasons, these include, but are not limited to:Religious view: Most religions see gambling as a sin and therefore should not be done.Animal Welfare: Certain groups of people see horse racing as animal abuse and will not bet on the horses as they feel it condones 'bad behavior and animal abuse'.Money: People can also view betting as a waste of money as it only provides a relatively small chance of getting a return on your 'investment'.

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How can you start a betting site?

The best way is to seek advice to someone who is well experienced on betting or gambling niche. Check out Business Development of they have great info to jumpstart you betting site.

How do you prevent sport betting?

People bet on sports for different reasons, whether it being just to have fun or to make a little extra money. The best tips for betting on sports is to never bet more than you have, never gamble while intoxicated, and check the odds.

Why do poor people are more involved in gambling and smoking than rich people?

Rich people tend to be better-educated, with better examples of healthy habits in their early years, when most smoking begins. We are not aware that rich people gamble less than poor people, although they tend to do it in less obvious ways, such as high-end private games or casinos, off-track and on-track betting, and in the stock market. _______ In addition, poor people are involved in gambling it is because they think this is their way of escaping from their problems. They also think that through gambling their lives will change into a luxurious living, but they don't think that they might make it worst.