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The generally accepted answer is that it was named for President Grover Cleveland's daughter, Ruth. It was probably not, despite what people often suggest, named after Babe Ruth. ---- IN FACT:

1Although the name of the candy bar sounds nearly identical to the name of the famous baseball player Babe Ruth, the Curtiss Candy Company has traditionally claimed that it was named after President Grover Cleveland's daughter, Ruth Cleveland. Nonetheless, the bar first appeared in 1920, as Babe Ruth's fame was on the rise and long after Cleveland had left the White House and 16 years after his daughter had died. Moreover, the company had failed to negotiate an endorsement deal with Ruth, and many saw the company's story about the origin of the name of the bar as merely a way to avoid having to pay the baseball player any royalties. Ironically, Curtiss successfully shut down a rival bar that was approved by, and named for, Ruth, on the grounds that the names were too similar in the case of George H. Ruth Candy Co. v. Curtiss Candy Co, 49 F.2d 1033 (1931). 1Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia, Baby Ruth, 2008 retrieved from August 2008.

My sincerest apologies to all for not citing my source, I do not go in for Plagiarism, but apparently I did so with out realizing I had forgotten to cite my source. Again I apologize for the error on my part. Citing sources is a good way of giving out information, but don't do like I did and forget to site the source. Although Wikipedia is an encyclopedia that is edited by average people and many different people contribute to the site, the source of any information should still be Cited, even though the author's are various at least site the website.

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7y ago

Grover Cleveland had a daughter named Ruth who died at age 12. The company that makes the Baby Ruth candy bar claims that she was the inspiration for the name, but that is likely to be an urban legend.

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14y ago


There is a candy bar with the name Babe Ruth, but I don't think the name has anything to do with him. I sort of remember the name having to do with a former President of the United States, his daughter or something, I'm not positive though.

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12y ago

He Was such a Famous son of a gun

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Q: Why is there a candy named after Babe Ruth?
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Reggie Jackson and the Reggie Bar in 1976. ostensibly Babe Ruth has been credited for the Baby Ruth (which is still under debate), but for sure Reggie Jackson had "The Reggie Bar" named after him and it was a flop!

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Grover Cleveland had a daughter named Ruth who died at age 12. The company that makes the Babe Ruth candy bar claims that she was the inspiration for the name, but that is likely to be an urban legend.

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The Company that first produced the candy bar claimed it was named after Ruth Clevland but it's been heavily speculated that it was a way to capitalize on Babe Ruth's popularity without compensating him. The candy bar came out in 1921 when Ruth was probably the biggest celebrity in America and 15 years after Ruth Clevland had died. Ruth took legal action against the company to try to get compensation but lost. In the 90's Ruth's estate and Nestle actually made an agreement to use Ruth in their marketing.

What candy bar was named after Grover Cleveland daughter?

Ruth Cleveland , daughter of President Cleveland was claimed by the Curtiss Candy Company to be the namesake of the Baby Ruth candy bar. However, the bar came out in 1921 when Babe Ruth was making news for his baseball heroics and Baby Ruth Cleveland was dead and nearly forgotten.

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Baby Ruth. Or so the company ripping off babe Ruth claimed

How did Babe Ruth get name?

from the candy baby ruth.