Wait for the first girl to come in with big boobs, wrestle her to the floor, knock her out, strip her, and suckle her boobs
Person 1 - Knock knock. Person 2 - Who's there? Person 1 - Banana. Person 2 - Banana who? (repeat it as shown below) Person 1 - Knock knock. Person 2 - Who's there? Person 1 - Banana. Person 2 - Banana who? (and repeat again) Person 1 - Knock knock. Person 2 - Who's there? Person 1 - Banana. Person 2 - Banana who? (not this time, read carefully) Person 1 - Knock knock. Person 2 - Who's there? Person 1 - Orange. Person 2 - Orange you glad I didn't say banana? This is a good knock knock joke to play on someone if you didn't know it or have never played it on somebody, I guess.
The duration of Knock First is 1800.0 seconds.
if you knock it for good luck and your luck goes your way
Yes he stopped Patterson in the 1st round to win the Title in 1962.
knock, knock...whos there? bathtub...bathtub who? i dont know.
First Round Knock Out was created in 1987.
Knock First ended on 2004-10-01.
Knock First was created on 2003-10-06.
The first occurrence of the multiple repeated knocks appears in Series 1 Episode 10 - The Loobenfeld Decay:Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Leonard, (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Leonard, (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Leonard...Sheldon: (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Penny, (Knock, knock, knock, knock) Penny, (Knock, knock, knock, knock)Penny, (door opens) Good morning.
To get Knock-Knock, go to the Boomers base and talk to pearl to start the quest Volare, head off and find Rachel and she will give you the quest Ant misbehavin, go to the generator room and there is a skeleton on the ground floor and Knock-Knock is laying beside him.
First on the top floor BEFORE that one you need strangth to knock all the boulders down (That are moveable with strength). Then you go to the bottom floor again and go slide on the ice and if you do it right one of the boulders you knock through the hole will be there to help you get up there. OR you could use an Action replay code to fly anywhere..