Cheese rolling was actually invented in the early 1930's when many men just raced down Cooper hill at a picnic. They had brought cheese and when they got to the top the cheese started rolling down and they chased after it. With the hill being at 70 degrees at some spots and 50 at others it is almost impossible to stay on your feet the whole way down. People saw this from a distance and now every year on that exact day everyone goes to Cooper hill to watch these crazy people to race for they cheese.
cheese rolling
you roll cheese of a cliff and try not to die.
Every spring in the Cotswolds in the UK there is a cheese rolling festival where they celebrate the new cheese. They roll the cheese down the side of a hill, whilst competitors chase after it. See the Related Link for more info.
When I said to to all the cheese factories I like Cheese, but also i like cans, could you make cheese that has something to do with cans. Then 40 years later they invented cheese that tasted like a can and I told them "I meant cheese in a can you crazy cheese haters!". Then they said sorry and made cheese in a can.And that's how they made cheese in a can!oh you said when was it was invented in 1815 by a man that liked cheese.
Keith Spaniel of Cowdenbeath.
It is a cheese grater you pyongshin.
Cheese was invented first because in the roman times, they invented it and then in Italy, the pizza was invented. At least that is what I had heard. Cheese is one of the most ancient foods the world over.
It was invented made by Olympia at 2001.
James L. Kraft invented pasteurized cheese in 1912.
I did :)
Mozzarella was invented in Italy
The modern rolling pin was not invented by a woman. It was invented by a John W. Reed in 1864. Rolling pin type objects have been in use since the 9th century bc. I think it would be safe to say that at that length of time, the absolute original inventor has been lost to the ages.