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you should exercise more often. That would make it so rhat you eat whatever you like.

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Q: What kind of food should a person that does 2 hours exercise per week eat?
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How many hours a week should you exercise?

it really does depend because if you are a person like as kid for example, they need more exercise that an elderly person would need. but if you are a person who barely eats anything you should do less exercise than a person who eats all the food in the world. if you are a person like an athlete. athletes train most of the day. on average the average person should do about 1 hour a day of exercise depending on their build etc

What makes a person unhealthy?

Eating junk food, Drinking, Smoking, and no Exercise.

How many hours can a person work minimum in food service?

A person in food service can work anywhere between 10 hours and 90 hours per week. This entirely depends on the type of employment and shift of the person.

What is the best way of cooking for a person interested to lose weight?

More fruit and vegetables, less fried food, less sugary food. smaller portions. I have to add that you should include exercise to the list.

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Several hours after the first person ate food.

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food and good health (exercise)

Do all anorexics exercise?

Yes. Anorexics will eat some food, but it is often too little to be healthy or very low in calories and fat content.

Should all people eat the same food if they don't exercise?


Is it ok to do exercise after you eat?

Not immediately after... you should allow about an hour for your food to settle.

How long before exercise should you eat?

One should wait at least one hour after eating to exercise. Allowing your body to digest the food before working out can prevent nausea during intense exercise.

What should my diet be if I have diabetes?

If you have diabetes you should exercise and have a low sugar diet that does not include many junk food or snack food items as well as food that is designed for diabetics.

What is the symbiosis between a person and dog?

The dog gets shelter, food and exercise from the human. The human gets companionship, exercise and 'warm fuzzies' from the dog.