

What does mean lap it up?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What does mean lap it up?
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What do you loose when you stand up?

If by 'loose' you mean 'lose', then the answer is your lap :)

How you say 'lap' in German?

If you mean lap in a sporting sense, the German word is Runde. If you mean the lap of a person, then the German word is Schoß

What do you lose everytime you stand up?

Your lap, maybe?

Which famous cup was won by far lap?

i think you mean phar lap

What gets lost every time you stand up?

Your lap.

What do you do when your dog doesn't jump up in your lap?

Try holding a treat in your hand at lap level, then pat your lap while saying "up, up!" until the dog jumps into your lap. At this point, reward with the treat and repeat until he gets the idea.

What is a three letter word for a way dogs drink?

Dogs will "lap" their water. To lap means to take up liquid with the tongue. Dogs actually fold the tip of their tongue backwards so the top of the tongue penetrates the surface of the water.

Can you give me a sentence with the word lap?

The dog will make a mess when he tries to lap up his water.

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You lose your chair because you are standing up. Actually, the answer to the riddle is: "You lose your lap."

Running a fast mile?

Run the first lap the slowest, speed it up a lot on the 2nd lap, work the hardest on the 3rd lap, and do your best on the last lap (sprint the last 100 meters).

What does it mean when a guys lets a girl sit on his lap?

It means he is attracted to her and likes her enough to let her sit on his lap and he could be horny for a lap dace or some making out time

What does box this lap mean?

It means to pit for tyres.