Since Bethany Hamilton is a popular surfer, her home address is not published. However, she can be contacted at
Her address is: Bethany Hamilton P.O. Box 863 Hanalei, HI 96714
Bethany Hamilton's fan mail no-reply (no autograph) fan mail address is; Bethany Hamilton P.O box 863 Hanalei, Hawii 96714 USA
Bethany Hamilton lives in Kauai, Hawaii Read "Soul Surfer", its a really good book Bethany wrote herself about her life. It helped me a lot
She lives in Kauai Hawaii.
Bethany Hamiltons full name is Bethany Meilani Hamilton.
The island of Kauai
Bethany Hamilton is a christian.
Bethany Hamilton's father is Thomas "Tom" Hamilton.
Bethany hamilton is not related to him.
Bethany Hamilton does have a phone.
Bethany Hamilton's father, Thomas Hamilton, was born on April 14, 1949.