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Her best friend (also family friends) Alana Blanchard and Alana's father and brother, just like in the film

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Q: In the book Who saved Bethany Hamilton from the shark while in the water?
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When did Bethany Hamilton started surfing after the shark atack?

Nearly one month after the attack was when she got back in the water. The shark attack happened in early morning on Halloween 2003

How old was Bethany Hamilton when she was attacked by the tiger shark?

Bethany Hamilton was attacked by the tiger shark on October 31, 2003. Around 7:30 am, she was lying on her surfboard with her left arm dangling in the water. That's when the shark attacked her, and she lost her left arm. She was rushed to a nearby hospital, and took the place of her father in the operation room (her father was about to have knee surgery). After about a week of recovering, Bethany was able to return home.

How long after the shark attack did Bethany Hamilton get back on the board?

Nearly 2 months. The attack happened on Halloween of 2003 and she got back in the water on Christmas Day of 2003

What did Bethany Hamilton do after she recovered from the shark attack?

She trained herself to get back in the water, but she couldn't get in the water until the stitches on the stump of her arm came out. Her first day back in the water was on Christmas Day of 2003, which was nearly 2 months after the attack

What is Bethany Hamilton's Accomplishment?

Bethany has had many accomplishments in her life! one of them is becoming a pro surfer! and getting back in to the water after the attack

What is Bethany Hamilton's accomplishments?

Bethany has had many accomplishments in her life! one of them is becoming a pro surfer! and getting back in to the water after the attack

When did Bethany Hamilton get back in the water?

One month after the attack, which happened on Halloween 2003

When did Bethany Hamilton get a prosthetic arm?

A little after the attack, but she never wears it because wearing the prosthetic requires several straps and being fully-clothed and Bethany spends most of her time in the water, so the prosthetic only slows her down since she can't put weight on it

How when and where did Bethany Hanmilton lose her arm?

well i know how her arm was in the water and a shark bit here arm off and when was get this hollween

How old was bethony hamilton when she got her arm bit off?

On that day, at Tunnels Beach in Kauai, Hawaii, there were numerous turtles in the area. And Bethany was also dangling her left arm in the water. What most likely aggravated the shark was the watch reflecting the sun. Sharks are drawn by blood, shiny objects, and reflections.

How did Bethany Hamilton survive that shark attack?

her friends and her family was by her side she had god with her the whole time god loves you and everyone "God will never forget you or pretray you" that is what the guy in the ambulance said to Bethany Hamilton to make her feel better it is in the book Soul Surfer Written By Bethany Hamilton

How long does it take for a comet to come back with water?

Comets typically take hundreds to thousands of years to return to the inner solar system and replenish Earth with water. The specific time it takes for a comet to return depends on its orbital period and distance from the Sun.