i cup of hashbrowns are 5 points
150 calories in the hash browns.
hash browns the answer is browns
That is about 4 cups
Because he smoked so much hash that he became brown and then he made a company called O'brien.
On a triangles side or if your meaning potato product then a hash brown lol
There is 1.89 grams in a cup of hash browns...... and in a serving size of 100g of hash browns there is 2.63g of protein. : )
140 calories. 8 grams of fat.
The yellow is worth 2 points and the brown is worth 4 points.
Well, butter my biscuit! 26 ounces of hash brown potatoes is about 3.25 cups. So, if you're whipping up a breakfast feast, you better grab that measuring cup and get cookin'!
Abraham Lincoln first tasted the Hash Brown in 1888!! Amazing!
Hash Browns come from classic potatoes. They are shredded up and grilled to a tan brown color. Nice and Crispy!!! Hash Browns come from classic potatoes. They are shredded up and grilled to a tan brown color. Nice and Crispy!!! Idaho is the potatoe state!