I don't know how tall she was, but there's a book called Soul Surfer, which is all about the shark attack. There's also the movie Soul Surfer, if you wanna know more about it. Please reccomend me!
1546bajilcabjillin yrs ago in other words a LONG time ago
AnnaSophia robb did not die i saw her a week ago :) shes still alive and she is playing Bethany hamilton in soul surfer due out october 2010 :)
Yes it is. There were sightings of another really big shark called the sleeping shark,(which is really rare), but that was a long time ago.
she does not have a brother she has a sister named Elizabeth who died a long time ago on her 13th birthday
The megalodon is an extinct species of shark that lived millions of years ago. They swam all over the world and died out a long, long time ago.
Those sharks are extinct. They lived a long time ago, but now they are gone.
No one raises a Shark. Once born or layed they receive no further attention from their mother. The father has left long ago and would only be around by pure chance.
a Cretoxyrhina is a creature that lived long long ago even before we where born. This creature is like a shark but different. this creature has millions of teeth and it does not exist anymore.
People still believe that there might still be a giant shark out there. But the megalodon was a shark everyone hopes is extinct!, I know I do haha :P
It became extinct 1.5 million years ago, but it would have lived as long as any other shark probably. SuperSlasher
Galapogos shark which means wolf-terrier shark.which is form about 475 years ago.
Cretoxyrhina was a 20 foot long shark that lived between 100 and 82 million years ago. They had a cosmopolitan, or worldwide, distribution.