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Q: How does bend it like beckham outline the problems of living in a multicultural society?
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What are the merits and problems of a multicultural society?

The problems of living in a multicultural society would be that people would want things done how it is done in their own culture and not how it is done in others' cultures; different people would have different views on how things should be done.

Why is Australia a multicultural cuisine?

Because it is a multicultural society.

Does living in a multicultural society prevent racism?

Yes, living in a multicultural society enables you to learn more about others cultures and to respect them.

What is Namibia's culture?

Namibia is a multicultural society

What are the connections of parents and community and multicultural society in the field of early childhood education?

the connection of parents and community and multicultural society in the field of early childhood education

How does being multicultural society benefit Australia?

Being a multicultural society benefits Australia because we can learn more about other religions who countries and the way they live.

What does mean of learner in the stratified and multicultural society?

It is useless

Is Australia a successful multicultural society?

We Australians are definitely multicultural because a quarter of Australia's population was born outside of Australia!

How is the Australian multicultural?

Because all cultures and nationalities have come together into one country, making Australia a Multicultural society and country.

Why do you think The Crucible and patchwork quilt are often used as symbols of the multicultural character of US society?

why do you think the crucible and the patchwork quilt are often used as symbols of the multicultural character of U.S society

Where is the biggest multicultural society in the world?

United States of America and Australia

Is Australia a developed country with prosperous and multicultural society?

yes of course it is