According to Bethany in her book Soul Surfer, when she got bit, all she felt was a lot of pressure and lightning-fast tugs. It didn't really hurt her because scientifically, during major injuries, your body is aware of the injury but pain signals are not sent to the brain until later on (known as phantom pain)
She did not cry panic or scream
NO but it might have been because she was in shock.
Bethany was 13 when she got bit by the shark.
Tunnels Beach
The shark that bit Bethany Hamilton in 2003 was estimated to be about 14 feet long.
The shark that attacked Bethany Hamilton was a 14-foot-long tiger shark
The shark that bit Bethany Hamilton in 2003 was not found. It is not uncommon for sharks involved in such incidents to not be located.
She stayed calm and swam back to the beach. She didn't even scream!
October 31, 2003
Bethany Hamiltons full name is Bethany Meilani Hamilton.
Bethany Hamilton is a christian.