galahs can eat watermelon and watermelon skin!!
Gulp it
A living human can eat 1/3 of a watermelon if the watermelon is small enough, but a human cant eat a whole in 3sec.
Anytime you "gulp" (that is, eat or drink something very quickly) you are swallowing air along with food or drink. What goes in, must come out. Air in the stomach is released in the form of burping.
All kinds of watermelon seeds are safe to eat.
Watermelon is one of the best diuretic fruits you can eat.
the sunlight!!
Anyone they can get their hands on, GULP! eaten
Yes. Watermelon is vegetation and good for deer.
You can't eat the green part of the watermelon. Well, I guess you could, but it has no taste to it. You also shouldn't eat the black seeds.